Select The Right Marketing Automation Tool

1. With what CRM’s is your Marketing Automation Platform integrated?

2. How much human support is available once we go-live?

3. Does your Marketing Automation Platform integrated with 3rd Party Tools?

4. Is there a Demo Account available?

5. What are the costs? Is this based on usage, records, api-calls?

6. Can we create Landing Pages and Forms with your Marketing Automation Platform?

7. Will solution be able to capture campaign source information and push it into the CRM?

8. How much information can your platform pull from our CRM? Does this include data that references across cross-objects or is it based on cross-object mapping?

9. How is your Scoring Model designed, along with tagging of Interesting Moments?

10. What type of reporting and dashboards are available out-of-the-box?

11. How does your Marketing Automation Platform help me learn from my data?

It's usually difficult to navigate and negotiate across Saas vendors. If you would like to understand more about some of the marketing automation tools we support and why, visit our website.


  1. We use marketing automation software because we believe that it is a big help to our company.


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