Show me the money!! Demand Generation Performance Measurement

The million dollar question.. How should I measure my demand generation efforts?

This question usually comes up during the first 60-90 days of any new engagement. An rightfully so, because the managements needs to be accountable for how investments are being appropriated and determine whether there is an opportunity for performance increase or cost reduction. This is when it’s handy to have a clean and healthy multi-channel customer acquisition program with clear visibility into every channel at a 3,000 foot overview.
For ease of reference, we’ve broken down measurement by channel. However, it’s important to note that most demand generation campaigns will involve 3 separate channel touch-points on average.

  • # - Content Articles Created (Determine whether a full-time resource is more cost effective than a 3rd party content development network)
  • # - SQL’s that were exposed to Content (Is there a relationship between your content and conversions?)
  • # - Unique Visitors (Are the right tags in place? And is this contributing to your overall quality score)
  • # - Return Visitors (Thought leadership)
  • # - Page Views (Is the content creating a customer journey and an opportunity to convert into a customer)
  • % - Bounce Rate (Is the content engaging. Google counts any visitors than spends less than 1 minute on your site as a bounce)
  • % - Conversion Rate

o   % - Landing Page: Total Page Views / Total Conversions
o   % - Lead to MQL: Leads / MQL
o   % - Lead to SQL: Leads / SQL
o   % - Lead to Win: Leads / Win

Additional Notes: This should be the main driver for new online traffic and should account for +60% of your leads once you’ve defined your target market.

  • $ - Cost Per Click: Total Spend / Clicks
  • $ - Cost Per Lead: Total Spend / Leads
  • # - Clicks Per Impressions: Total Impressions / Total Clicks
  • % - Conversion Rate

o   % - Landing Page: Total Page Views / Total Conversions
o   % - Lead to MQL: Leads / MQL
o   % - Lead to SQL: Leads / SQL
o   % - Lead to Win: Leads / Wins

Additional Notes: There is a direct relationship between SEM & SEO. Getting keywords indexed on Google is somewhat a “pay to play” environment, where Google rewards you for investing in a specific term. Consider a 1st rank (In terms of Quality Score) as an opportunity to an account to earn a keyword by driving clicks = engagement = relevancy.

Email / Affiliate
  • # - Opens (Great measure to see if the content is relevant to your audience and addresses any pain points)
  • # - Click Through Rate (CTR)
  • $ - Cost Per Lead: Total Spend / Leads
  • % - Bounce Rate (Is your audience in the right buying stage or is it fairly anonymous)
  • % - Conversion Rate

o   % - Landing Page: Total Page Views / Total Conversions
o   % - Lead to MQL: Leads / MQL
o   % - Lead to SQL: Leads / SQL
o   % - Lead to Win: Leads / Wins

Additional Notes: Tends to be fairly expensive in terms of generating direct consultations, but a great median for brand awareness and building up your Display (re-targeting) audience.

  • # - Impressions (Is your audience large enough? 10,000 members is a good start)
  • $ - Cost Per Click: Total Spend / Clicks
  • $ - Cost Per Lead: Total Spend / Leads
  • % - Bounce Rate (High bounce rate means that your message is somewhat misleading)
  • % - Conversion Rate

o   % - Landing Page: Total Page Views / Total Conversions
o   % - Lead to MQL: Leads / MQL
o   % - Lead to SQL: Leads / SQL
o   % - Lead to Win: Leads / Wins

Additional Notes: Very tricky to master, but quick wins can be realized through re-targeting your existing audience.

  • # - Booth Leads (Great way to gauge how relevant your product is to the event)
  • $ - Cost Per Lead for Attendee Lists (Compare this cost to 3rd Party data providers like and InsideView)
  • # - Special Event Attendees (Cocktail Hours, etc.)
  • % - Conversion Rate

o   % - Lead to MQL: Leads / MQL
o   % - Lead to SQL: Leads / SQL
o   % - Lead to Win: Leads / Wins

Additional Notes: Historically speaking, this is one of the best performing channels in terms of lead generation, brand awareness and sustainability.
